the big picture. You need to understand what the
elitist NWO crowd has in store for you, America and the entire world, in the
very near future - things are moving very fast! I knew this was eventually
coming, but even I did not think I would live to see the day that America would
be run by such a criminal, corrupt, Marxist thug as Obama, with the complicite
assistance and protection of a sold-out elitist Republican Party!
If the American people do not wake up very soon,
and get involved, while they still have some freedoms left to try and stop it -
the once free America we know and love will cease to exist, but there will be
no place to run to. And we will wake up as helpless slaves, under the
Marxist, globalist, tyrannical world government the globalists have been
engineering since before the turn of the 19th century. We have been lied to and
braiwashed all of our life by these people: the Marxist media, the RINO
(Rockefeller) Republicans, the leftist, radicalized Democrats, the CFR and UN
crowd, the Federal Reserve crowd, the educational system, etc. - ad-nauseum!
They have been following an agenda - of purposely destroying our history, our
culture and our Constitution, to weaken us and force us helpless, into their
Godless, Marxist new world order government, They now have complete control of
our country. Obama is the tip of the spear, with a supporting cast of the now
Communized Democratic Party, and the complicite, globalist, elitist,
Rockefeller-wing, RINO Republican Party leadership!
Author David Icke lays much of it out in the
following video, where he discusses many of the things I have known for 50
years or more. He is dead on - LISTEN to him!