The Promise of America ...
You may find it incredible, but in the 60s, Dan Smoot had a regularly televised. commercially sponsored program, by the same name - "The Dan Smoot Report". Of course, this could NEVER happen today. The jackals of the radical, Communist left, running the media today, would never allow such a thing as free-speech, or allow the search-light of truth to shine the light on their treasonous, radical-Communist, anti-American, New World Order activities. Dan Smoot had a decidedly anti-liberalism, anti-Progressive (euphemism for "Communist") anti-Communist, pro-American point of view. You see, in the 60s, America was still pretty free, and the media was still fairly (but not entirely) pro-American. This is decidedly NOT true today! One only has to see and hear his remarks, to realize how controlled, brainwashed and radicalized America is today. Today, in Barack Obama's Marxist/Socialist America, he would be set upon from every side, in the printed media, and Tv, by the leftist vermin running America and the media, and the courts, and education, and Obama's union-thug foot-soldiers. Please watch this episode, listen to what he says, and THINK about it. You will immediately realize how far down the road to Communist/Socialist brainwashing and serfdom we have traveled. Click article headline for link.