Obama is an enemy of America, of free markets, limited government, individual liberty and freedom. Sooner or later the tyranny he is trying to impose on America will become painfully obvious to the people. They will at some point finally realize the full extent and INTENT of his criminal, Marxist regime, which has seized control of America. And all with no real opposition from the so-called defenders of traditional, free-market, limited-government values and the Constitution - the elitist-controlled, NWO Republican Party, it will come sooner rather than later,!
When that time comes, and it will, unless the spineless and values-less Republicans, at both the state and federal level, WAKE UP, and rise up and REFUSE to participate in, or cooperate with his illegal, un-constitutional programs, executive orders and administration. There is some evidence of a push-back at the state level, with many states introducing bills asserting their 10th amendment rights and their state sovereignty, and refusal to participate in his radical, socialistic Obama-care, and it's unconstitutional mandates!. This NEEDS to happen across the country! But there is almost ZERO activity at the Congressional, Federal level, where there should by now be calls for impeachment. and Congressional investigations into his Marxist un-Constitutional, racist programs, his elligibility, his radical Marxist background, methods and associates.
Each day it appears more and more like the Republican leadership essentially agrees with Obama's programs, which are driving us over the Socialist/Marxist cliff. It's very convenient for them them to blame everything on Obama, which is 99% true. But Bush started things rolling towards the cliff with his budget-killing Prescription Drug Plan, and his un-Godly 780 BILLION TARP program. He did some things right, like the WTC response, and the tax cuts, but he was NOT a Conservative. Just like his daddy, he's a New World Order operative, and he put the icing on the cake, when he pronounced at the inauguration ceremony that Obama is "a good man" So much for a so-called "conservative" Republican" Without a Conservative Republican party to be a forceful opposition party, all that we will have left to fall back on is a return to the core values of God, family and liberty, which inspired and built this country.
All we will have left is the determination to hunker down, endure the misery, and wait him and his thugs out. Hopefully there will be some states (like Texas and Oklahoma), who will have either seceded, or asserted their 10th amendment rights - to move to, But he can do irreperrable damage in the next two years, and I fear that he will use some instigated or phony "crisis" to shut down the internet, or cancel the 2012 elections, or STEAL them with his commie-front ACORN. Our freedoms are rapidly being snuffed out by radical-Marxist Obama and his radical minions.