Buy a Coffin Nail for Obama's Dollar and Economy-Destroying Marxist Budget!
The Republicans have it in their power to single-handedly freeze the debt limit, and cut off his power to destroy, in one vote. The limit cannot be raised without BOTH houses of Congress. For only $30, you can help drive a nail into the coffin of the rotting corpse of radical-Communist Obama's power and destructive plans. Please support Joseph Farah's campaign to strengthen the backbone of Republican House members standing firm on freezing the debt limit, Once again (no surprise), the sellout RINO RNC, and RINO sellout John Boehner are dancing with the Devil, and siding with the Democrats, The Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanky and Timothy Geitner. But if enough Americans sound off, and spend just $30, we can send Washiington a powerful message, via World Net Daily's "No More Red Ink" campaign, which has already delivered nearly 1 million letters to House Repubs. Click title link to get involved! This is a golden opportunity to not only help stop the red ink, you will be helping to "Stop The Red Thug"