Obama's Inelligibility - Congress Needs To Be Dope Slapped?
Members of Congress are not morons! Most of them spend very large sums of money to get elected, and most are much better off financially afterwords. Most are lawyers, certainly not dummies, who left their lucrative practices to serve the people. Or so they claim.
So what can explain the silence and inaction by these members of Congress to actually taking a strong stand against the Marxist, Muslim usurper who is purposely destroying America? Knowing how Communists and the powerful. elitist "intelligentsia" operate, I am quite confident that intense pressure is being brought to bear against them, by these forces. The Communists use blackmai, extortion, bribery, intimidation and ultimately - murder, to silence and control anyone who dares to expose or prosecute their seditious activities. And the elitist New World Order thugs are not above doing the same.The stakes are high e.g. their goal to seize and maintain power and control over not only the United States, but the entire world. It is not entirely clear which of the two forces are in charge, but I believe the Bilderbergers and The Club of Rome are at the root of it all. Adam Weishaupt formed the Bilderbergers in Bavaria, in 1776, the same year we achieved our independence, with the stated goal of "world-wide control over all nations and trade". They have been dedicated to that goal for over two hundred years. They are the driving force behind the New World Order movement. e.g. the CFR, the Trilateralists, the international bankers with their Trojan Horse Federal Reserve System, and the blue-blood liberal elites and so-called "intellectuals" who have piecemeal destroyed our economy, culture, constitution and sovereignty over the past 70-odd years. The Communist movement is being used to break down, radicalize, weaken and subvert all nations, primarily the United States, so as to force us into their world government, under the Marxist UN. Once this is done, America will be dead! We are well on our way down that dark road, and if they succeed, they will have the total power over every aspect of your life that they have been seeking since 1776 and before! Click headline for link.