and America had better wake up soon, or the country we all know and love will be swallowed up into a New World Order Marxist hell. Obama is not incompetent, or stupid, or simply a hard-left "liberal", he is a committed Marxist enemy-agent, a Trojan Horse, who hates America, and Capitalism, and the Constitution. He has ONE purpose - the destruction of America as we know it. He is doing the bidding of the globalist elites, the radical Communist movement, the New World Order, the international bankers and the Federal reserve System. The goal is world power. And the stinking cesspool of Socialists, radical Communists, and the elitist international bankers realize that it requires the destruction of America! They must destroy our sovereignty, our Constitutional freedoms and our independence, before they can force us into their One World tyranny, as just another Socialist slave-state, under the Marxist UN - welcome to 400 years of darkness! And everything is coordinated and orchestrated by the Bilderbergers, the Trilateralists, the international bankers, and The Club of Rome.
If America falls, there is no where to hide, and no force on earth to save us! I've been studying and fighting these bastards for 45 years, trying to wake people up to the process of internal treason and sedition by these forces for the past 6 or 7 decades. They have now achieved almost total control - not only of America, but worldwide. America, and therefore the entire world, is in dire peril.
Click on title for link to an excellent article by blogger Leon de Winter (Pajama Media). This is one of the best critiques of the illegitimate Marxist traitor in the White House I have seen so far!
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