Meet Marxist Usurper Obama's Fellow-Communist/Socialist Buddies ...
What is most infuriating and depressing about this is that those of us who know Communism, and how they take over a country, can see it all happening, like a train wreck in slow motion. And MOST people are completely clueless! Obama is just doing what Communists do for a living - lie, steal, bribe, threaten, sweet-talk, coerce, and if all else fails, use their ill-gotten power to crush their opposition - all in the name of advancing Communism (what they euphemistically call "social justice" and destroying their enemy. And guess who the "opposition" is? Guess who the "enemy" is? It is YOU and I and America, and the Constitution. America is in dire peril from this enemy-within administration, and I see no signs that any significant number of people, especially the Republican Party, have a clue about what is going on. Then again, with the liberal, globalist Rockefeller Republican RNC leadership sitting quietly by while treason and criminality abounds in Washington and on the world stage, I believe they’re in on the sellout. It looks like the "fix" is in.
God help the Republic. God help our kids. God help those of us who know what is happening, to wake up millions of Americans, before it is TOO LATE. Frankly, I think it is already too late. 50 years of my life spent trying to open people’s eyes, and educate them to the activities and tactics of the Communist enemy-within. 50 years of being called a right-wing radical, and a kook. Well, when they march us off to the “re-education camps” (or worse), don’t you dare say I didn’t tell you so! Click on title (link to video and more on
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