The Coming New World Order Tyranny - the BIG Picture (almost)
And you had better read the facts about the wonderful " artificial paradise" (AP) that the globalist New World Order/Marxist elitist traitors, meddlers and liars are preparing for America, for your future, your children's future, and worldwide. They are following a little-known, secret agreement, called "Agenda 21", and working through the elitist, private, conspiratorial Club of Rome and the UN.
Agenda 21 is the framework for a completely new paradigm in the 21st Century. It is the outcome of the United Nation’s Earth Summit Agenda 21. It outlines in detail the UN’s vision for a centrally managed global society. You don’t have to worry about your future because Agenda 21 has a plan for how you will live, where you will live, how you commute, what you will eat, what you will learn (or be taught), and even who your God will be. The good folks at AP, Inc. have taken care of everything you! When fully implemented, Agenda 21 would have the government involved in every aspect of life for every human on earth. You’re gonna love it! I italicized the word ‘implemented’ because Agenda 21 used to be called ‘The Programme for Implementation’. That doesn’t sound like a pleasant surprise, so recently they changed the tagline to ‘A Programme of Action’. That sounds nicer, doesn’t it? They forgot to change the name of their meetings though, for if you noticed (if you clicked the link on the meeting), they called this the ‘4th Implementation Cycle’. Makes me wonder what they already implemented in cycles 1-3. A cursory glance at the 4 major sections of Agenda 21 could give you an indication:
Section I: Social And Economic Dimensions
Section II: Conservation And Management Of Resources For Development
Section III: Strengthening The Role Of Major Groups
Section IIII: Means Of Implementation
How thoughtful of these arrogant, global elitist dictators to think of everything about how they are going to rule over the people, and the world! And as bad as Marxist, Muslim traitor Barack Obama is, he is just their agent, following their orders. AND they have been hard at work, within and without all segments of our government, economy, educational system, media and entertainment indusustry, for the past 18 or 20 years, preparing your "paradise". They have BIG plans for you, and your future life as a slave in their "brave new world" But gee, NOBODY told you - I'm sorry!
Well, I'm telling you now! Here's your chance to get an education on what your "wonderful" future will be like. But unfortunately, it's might be too late to stop it - they're almost done! They and their current Traitor-In-Chief, Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Obama) are putting the final pieces in place (nails in the coffin). In case you are not appreciative, there may be nothing you can do at this late date.
People like myself have spent our lives, trying to warn people about the treason, deception and brainwashing which has been going on, within and without America, for the past 100 years, and no one wanted to listen, thinking "it can't happen here". Well, it IS happening, here and worldwide! The ONLY possible way to maybe stop this madness, is for tens or hundreds of millions of Americans to get educated to the truth, in SPITE of the lying, traitorous media, in SPITE of the lying, treasonous "educational" (brainwashing) system,in SPITE of the lying, treasonous "entertainment" industry. You need to learn the facts! They are all laid out in meticulous, frightening. infuriating detail in this CFP article, If you do NOT, you have only yourself to blame for your ignorance! PLEASE, for your sake, and that of your children, read this article from CFP, and alert your friends - title is link ,,,
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