Calling all American "useful idiots"
Ex Romanian Communist Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest ranking Communist defector to the US, is trying to wake up millions of clueless, brainwashed American citizens, to the clear and present Marxist threat and agenda at work, which is rapidly destroying our freedoms and Constitutional rights and liberties. under radical-Communist Barack Obama and his Marxist regime. But I do not think he will succeed, because the American people are just too stupid, too brainwashed , and too apathetic, to even recognize the threat, even after 5 years of Obama's rapidly escalating attacks on our Constitution, liberties, and the rule of law.
I have spent my entire adult life. trying to wake people up, and it is HOPELESS! Even now, with Gestapo TSA thugs groping, humiliating, and abusing millions of air travelers, with false-flag gun shootings paraded out in unending procession, when Obama's jackboot Homeland Security thugs are arming to the teeth with nearly 2 billion bullets, 7000 AR-15s, 2800 MRAPs, the people are just too damn dumb to get it, and still believe it's all for our "security". And when fellow-Marxist Eric Holder refuses to uphold our laws and refuses to prosecute blacks,including the Black Panthers, who terrorized voters in the 2008 election, nobody us concerned! When massive vote fraud is documented in the 2008 and 2012 elections, with over 17 indictments, in as many stets, NOTHING is done, NO ONE is prosecuted. And the Republican Party, which SHOULD be defending our Constitutional rights and exposing Obama's Marxist background and his illegitimacy, is SILENT! Open your eyes the RNC is in on it! They know damn well who and what he is, but they covered for him in the 2008 elections, and this liberal, Rockefeller wing RNC party leadership kisses Obama's ass, and falls all over themselves protecting this illegitimate, Marxist usurper, and is purposely undermining and attacking every true Conservative candidate in the 2014 primaries. And their main spokes-mouth Karl Rove, has sworn that the party will defeat and destroy all EA Party candidatesa!
America is now totally undermined by decades of Marxist subversion and globalism, at almost EVERY level, including education, the media, Hollywierd, the courts, and at both the state and federal levels, and even the halls of Congress and the military.
NO. I expect his warning, as have all similar warnings, for decades, to be suppressed, and even if it, by some miracle, manages to be made public, it will as usual, fall on millions of deaf, clueless, apathetic. brainwashed ears! Marxist Obama has just about completed his assigned task to destroy America . This is not America anymore!
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