Gills' New American Voice

The hour is late. Our constitutional Republic, culture, and values of personal and religious freedom and opportunity are rapidly being destroyed by internal and external forces of socialism, secularism, humanism, perversion, radical Islam, globalism and Communism. And the Communist-front ACLU, the NEA, the NWO, and the radical-left press, are spearheading most of the destruction, with the willing support of radical activist judges and a neutered, corrupt congress.

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Location: Hillsboro, Oregon, United States

I'm a retired Software QA/ System Diagnostics Engineer - born in Oceanside NY - 1938. I was raised in Rockville Center and Oceanside NY, where I attended Elementary, Grammar and Jr. High. I finished High School at the George Junior Republic, Freeville NY, where I received a solid grounding in the principles of freedom and constitutional government. I graduated salutatorian in 1956 (back when it MEANT something!). Following high school, I attended the SUNY at night, and received my AAS in ET. I earned my BSCS equivalent through continuing college-level coursework over the next 10-15 years. I soon realized that the Democratic Party was a repository of radical, seditious and socialistic ideas and activists, and joined the Republican Party. I was active in conservative politics, and joined the John Birch Society, ultimately rising to chapter leader. I have watched America being destroyed by these seditious left-wing forces over the past 50 years. Now even the Republican Party is corrupted. It was our last hope to save our Republic, but has become yesterday's Democratic Party. The people, talk radio and the blogs, MUST rise to the challenge, or America will cease to exist!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sheriff Joe Arpio investigation of the Communist usurper/traitor, vs ..

... lying media puke Bill O'Reilly! 

I'll let you decide , after you watch these two videos - first liar O'Reilly, then the Arpio press conference! Does it concern you that the lying leftwing media has totally buried  and ignored this critical matter, involving evidence of federal crimes of fraud, forgery as well as treason to the Constitution and the country? It sure concerns me, and it should you!

Why have the media and the Republicans in Congress ignored this major story? Amd why has the Republican Party not launched a full-scale congressional investigation? I know why, but that's a much bigger and even more disgustiing issue entrely.

As for Obama\s eligibility, it's for you to do your own research and decide for yourself. Based on the facts presented in the Arpio presentation vs liar O'Reilly's statement that "there was no hard evidence presented", there is only one conclusion - O'Reilly is a liar, Obama is a liar and a traitor, he and/or his accomplices are guilty of fraud, and forgery, and America is in BIG trouble!

