Sheriff Joe Arpio investigation of the Communist usurper/traitor, vs ..
I'll let you decide , after you watch these two videos - first liar O'Reilly, then the Arpio press conference! Does it concern you that the lying leftwing media has totally buried and ignored this critical matter, involving evidence of federal crimes of fraud, forgery as well as treason to the Constitution and the country? It sure concerns me, and it should you!
Why have the media and the Republicans in Congress ignored this major story? Amd why has the Republican Party not launched a full-scale congressional investigation? I know why, but that's a much bigger and even more disgustiing issue entrely.
As for Obama\s eligibility, it's for you to do your own research and decide for yourself. Based on the facts presented in the Arpio presentation vs liar O'Reilly's statement that "there was no hard evidence presented", there is only one conclusion - O'Reilly is a liar, Obama is a liar and a traitor, he and/or his accomplices are guilty of fraud, and forgery, and America is in BIG trouble!