Irrefutable Evidence of of 911 Commission Coverup and Whitewashing of The Truth!
It WAS NOT the politically-contrived, non-sensicle, illogical, false, purposely misleading deception presented by the 911 Commission and the National Institute of Standards that "it was caused by fires from office equipment"! This is a purposeful, bald-faced LIE, and they know it! WHY are they lying to the people? What is their purpose? Well, the questions about WHO, and WHAT FORCES were responsible for the 911 tragedy have NOT BEEN officially ANSWERED, but I dare to say that I know who they were! Instead the facts have been covered up, obscured by lies and distortions and fabrications of the truth. Only people who are guilty or have something to hide need to resort to this deception - and it is a massive, well-organized and well-funded deception. Of one thing, I am POSITIVE. 911 was NOT simply an attack by foreign, Islamic terrorists, as the "official" cover story goes! No, 911 was well-planned event, and well-funded. I leave you to decide whether it was an inside, or an outside "job". In any case, the truth NEEDS to come out, and heads need to roll! I suspect that the New World Order and the Communists, both within and without our government - are up to their necks in this. The net effect has been to steal more of our liberties and constitutional protections, with the so-called "Patriot Act", and the TSA legalized sexual molestation of ordinary citizens, and the Dept of "Homeland Security". This is exacly what these people want!Their goal is to increase their power and control, and reduce or destroy our sovereignty and your liberties, which fits right in to the Communist, New World Order game plan! And if America does not wake up soon, it will CEASE to exist! Frankly, it is ALREADY damaged beyond repair!