by any means necessary!
Read the following American Thinker article by
Stella Paul - it will make your blood run cold! I have been screaming for all of
my adult life about the Marxist sedition and subversion that has been destroying
America, and our Constitutional protections, piece by piece for decades, Their
agenda has finally reached the "end game", and these traitors are now in power,
in the Marxist, illegitimate, treasonous, criminal Obama regime. Now that they
have total control, they will NOT give up without a fight I am convinced that
he has plans to subvert or cancel this upcoming election.
The complicit Republican Party leadership is doing nothing to expose and/or
prosecute him. In fact, they are protecting him!
The American
people, MUST wake up before Obama seizes power in November! NO ONE in Washington
or the sold-out Marxist Media is doing ANYTHING to stop/expose him. If we had a free press, and a true, patriotic opposition party
in the Republicans, he would have been gone long ago.
The one force left, that has the power
to stand up to Obama and his thugs - are the Sheriffs across the country. The
Sheriff is the most powerful elected official in law enforcement. He is elected
by the people, and reports to NO ONE. There is an organization - Constitutional
Sheriffs, that is composed of Sheriffs and Sheriffs Departments, who are
committed to upholding the Constitution, and have sworn to oppose any
unconstitutional dictates from the federal government, and to protect the people
of their jurisdiction from such dictatorship. If all the sheriffs in the country
were committed to refusing to acquiesce to his Marxist power-grab, they could
stop him in his tracks!
got very little time to get this Marxist thug arrested and prosecuted, and
behind bars, and all of his Marxist allies in Washington, and in the Marxist
main-stream media, along with him. If he succeeds in retaining or seizing
power, America is finished, unless the military wakes up and moves against him.
That is our last hope, but I am concerned that they too have been
penetrated - more on that later.
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