The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto
Well I have news for you bunky: it IS HAPPENING HERE! And, not one person in a thousand recognizes the signs of the impending tyranny being unleashed on America by the radicalized Democratic Party, and the corrupt, thugish Communist administration of Barack Hussein Obama. Don't be so sure that the Nov 2nd mid-terms are a slam-dunk for the Republicans. These Marxist vermin detest freedom, free elections and Capitalism. They are pros, and NOTHING is beneath them. This is the end-game, and the Communist Obama regime will stop at NOTHING to remain in power - God Help America if they do! And even if we somehow manage to gain control of both houses of Congress, don't expect things to change much, with the liberal, globalist, elitist RNC in charge of the Republican Party! But as usual, we have to settle for the lesser of two evils, and our only hope is to elect enough Conservatives to block and (hopefully) reverse Obama's purposeful radicalization and destruction of America. If we fail - God help us!
CFP article by Joan Swirsky lays it all out in frightening detail, and is a history lesson in Communist tactics and evil, which could be coming to a neighborhood near you, if we cannot wake up the millions of Americans still slumbering in ignorance. It's not just about the economy, stupid!
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