and the liberal, RINO sellout Republican leadership is in full retreat,
as usual! There are many real Republicans, like Mike Pence, Tom Tancredo, Jim DeMint, Michelle Bachman, and others. But the liberal, New World Order, Rockefeller-wing Republican Party leadership is, as usual, betraying the principles that formed the party, such as limited constitutional government, US sovereignty, free markets, free speech, individual responsibility, rule-of-law, etc.They are willingly and hypocritically selling out America, and the voters who put them in office, and who pay their salaries! By their refusal to stand up to the
illegitimate, America-hating, radical-Communist, enemy-agent Barack Hussein Obama, and his Marxist/thug, Soviet-style regime, and all his un-constitutional Marxist "Czars", and his openly Marxist Supreme Court nominees, like Sonia Sotomayor and
, the Republican Party leadership is an active, willing accomplice to the Marxist takeover of America, and the agenda of their NWO masters which is in full swing, with Communist
apparatchik, lying criminal thug, NWO agent Barack Obama - leading the parade.
And RINO Republican Tom DeLay has publicly stated that "we must co-opt the incoming (Tea Party) Conservatives when they arrive after the November elections". The liberal, elitist party leadership despises and purposely betrays Conservative candidates, for example:
- the despicable betrayal of Sarah Palin by the Republican "leadership" during the 2008 presidential campaign
- In New York's 23rd district, the RNC supported a liberal Republican, Dede Scozzafava over Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman. When she lost the primary to Doug Hoffman, like a true deceitful, lying liberal RINO turncoat, she threw her support behind the Democrat Bill Owens - who won.
- In Florida's senatorial race, they supported liberal (they call themselves "moderates") RINO fellow-traveler Charlie Crist, against one of the greatest patriots, who's parents fled Cuba for the US, a man who loves our country, it's oppurtunities, and it's freedoms - Marco Rubio.
- And in Colorado, they supported liberal RINO Jane Morton, against solidly conservative Ken Buck.
Are you getting the picture? The Democratic Party is Marxist Party A, and the Republican Party is Socialist/NWO Party B - it's that simple, and that disgusting! Even if the republicans regain control of both houses this fall, don't expect things to change much, unless we elect enough real Conservatives with backbone enough to resist the arm-twisting and corruption of the party leadership, and hold true to conservative principles. Until there is a hostile takeover of the Republican Party by Conservatives, the Republican Party is USELESS in saving America from Obama's red tide of anti-American, Marxist destruction!
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