Archived postings, Grinding America Down ...
And now for my current posting: If you really want to understand what is happening to America, under the treasonous, illegitimate Marxist Obama regime, you must see the video in the above article from Canada Free Press : "Agenda: Grinding America Down". It is dead on target, and a synopsis of what I have known for 50 years, and have been trying to make people understand. It is a powerful exposure of the insidious, seditious, treasonous Communist conspiracy, which has been hard at work since the turn of the century to destroy America. They are winning, and they are in the end-game, with Marxist traitor Barack Hussein Obama, and the radicalized, Marxist Democratic Party, at the controls. It should be required viewing by ALL Americans, especially our kids, who are being brainwashed from kindergarten to college, with anti-American, pro-Marxist, anti free-enterprise, Communist propaganda - and turned into useful idiot, America-hating drones.
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