The Ground-Zero mosque, and the soft tyranny of Nancy Pelosi
Pelosi is the same, arrogant, power-mad leftist puke, who has been running the House like her own private mafia, and ignoring the will of the American people. She is the one who called the Tea Partiers Nazis, and called for an "investigation" of them. The American people are overwhelmingly opposed to this "Victory Mosque", a testament to Muslim treachery and duplicity, only two blocks from the scene of the worst attack on American soil ever. According to Ms Pelosi, the American people have no right to dissent or disagree to leftist, terrorist, treasonous activity but, as Hillary Clinton stated, when the left dissents, it is "patriotism". This is classic, leftist newspeak and "conditional" freedom of speech - two sets of rules, one for the left, and another for Conservative, traditional-values patriotic Americans.
And the "Victory Mosque" is a classic historical Muslim tactic, to build Mosques on the site of their "victories" over their Christian and Judaic enemies, such as at the al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, the mosque of Istanbul, and the Cordoba mosque in Spain - a former Christian cathedral. Muslims have engaged in this practice for centuries, symbolizing their victories over the infidels.See following article at
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