And of course, it's a woman, Dr. Laurie Roth, of CFP. All the talking-heads of the left and right are wringing their hands in proper, "tolerant", "politically correct" horror, over the prospect of Rev. Terry Jones, of the Dove Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, proposing to burn one or more Qurans on the anniversery of the despicable, cowardly, hateful,World Trade Center attack on America, which left 3000 innocent American souls dead, at the hands of the "Religion of Peace" (thanks for that insight, GW), What ever happened to "Remember The Alamo", "Remember The Main", "Pearl Harbor - A Day That Shall Live In Infamy" - I guess THAT was all un-American. In that case, I guess must be un-American - sue me!
My God, maybe he is actually trying to make people open their blinded, brainwashed, politically-corrected eyes to the real truth about Islam, and the truth about what the Quran REALLY preaches. THAT should be required reading for every citizen - have YOU read the Quran. Nope, can't do THAT! That would be speaking TRUTH to EVIL.And after you read Dr. Roth's article. for a REAL picture of the "religion of peace", might I suggest you visit this website:
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