Barack Obama, the Despicable George Soros – and the Republicans!
Now that we have elected a Republican majority in the House, and have gained 5 or 6 Senate seats, DO NOT assume this is a done deed! We are dealing with dedicated, committed radical Marxists, liars and criminals, who have finally achieved control of our country, and they will not easily give up their new-found power. Their goal is the complete socialization of America, and destruction of our traditions, culture, borders, and free-market economy. This is the end-game, and EVERYTHING is at stake. We cannot trust the elitist, liberal Republican leadership. I believe the only real solution to the lRNC is a hostile takeover by the conservatives. But in the meantime, we the people NEED to hold the Republican's feet to the fire to force them to honor the commitments they made in their campaigns.
Call/write your senators and representatives, and DEMAND they vehemently OPPOSE Obama Care - NO COMPROMISE! Demand they call for Congressional investigations into Obama's legitimacy, his unconstitutional Marxist czars and Supreme Court appointees and agency heads - like Catherine Sebellous, Anita Dunn, Eric Holder, "advisor" Van Jones - ad nauseum. Demand they push for renewal of the Bush tax cuts, and elimination of ALL new taxes, on ALL Americans, Demand investigation of Soros and all his subversive organizations, like Media Matters, The ADL. etc., etc. Demand they push for reinstitution of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Go to, for a free booklet describing in detail the steps to take against the Marxist, "Progressive" onslaught being conducted against America by the illegitimate Obama and his Marxist regime, primarily funded and promoted by terrorist George Soros.
This is the end-game, and just the beginning of what will turn out to be a long civil war for the heart and soul of America. The country (and future) you save may be your own (and your children's).
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