If this story does not make your blood boil, then you are either a dyed-in-the-red-wool Obama-bot, or you are dead! This is NOT America - this is just another of
many outrages from the Gestapo-like TSA enforcement arm of the wonderful Communist "Hope and Change", that Commissar Obama is shoving down our throats. Yeah, he is really delivering on the "chamge" part - isn't he! I guess if your a Maoist, a Marxist, or a life-long radical-Communist like Obama, then you're probably thrilled with this outrageous treatment of a frail, 85 year old grandmother, by the out-of'-control TSA thug-perverts. WHERE THE HELL are the American people on this abuse and outrage! WHAT THE HELL does it take for people to stand up and REFUSE to be treated like `cattle by these TSA sub-human perverts, and the increasing tyranny of the illegitimate radicaal-Communist Obama regime? What would YOU do, if this was YOUR mother?
Oh yes, she (or her son), is suing the TSA, but given the total corruption, treason and tyranny of the radical-Communist, criminal, illegitimate Obama regime, the chances of her geting any justice is somewhere between zero and minus one!
Welcome to the new, one-party, radicalized, Communized, perverted America, where the Constitution is dead or ignored, federal goverment tyranny is complete, and your freedoms are dying by the minute! Isn't "hope and change" wonderful?
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