Gills' New American Voice

The hour is late. Our constitutional Republic, culture, and values of personal and religious freedom and opportunity are rapidly being destroyed by internal and external forces of socialism, secularism, humanism, perversion, radical Islam, globalism and Communism. And the Communist-front ACLU, the NEA, the NWO, and the radical-left press, are spearheading most of the destruction, with the willing support of radical activist judges and a neutered, corrupt congress.

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Location: Hillsboro, Oregon, United States

I'm a retired Software QA/ System Diagnostics Engineer - born in Oceanside NY - 1938. I was raised in Rockville Center and Oceanside NY, where I attended Elementary, Grammar and Jr. High. I finished High School at the George Junior Republic, Freeville NY, where I received a solid grounding in the principles of freedom and constitutional government. I graduated salutatorian in 1956 (back when it MEANT something!). Following high school, I attended the SUNY at night, and received my AAS in ET. I earned my BSCS equivalent through continuing college-level coursework over the next 10-15 years. I soon realized that the Democratic Party was a repository of radical, seditious and socialistic ideas and activists, and joined the Republican Party. I was active in conservative politics, and joined the John Birch Society, ultimately rising to chapter leader. I have watched America being destroyed by these seditious left-wing forces over the past 50 years. Now even the Republican Party is corrupted. It was our last hope to save our Republic, but has become yesterday's Democratic Party. The people, talk radio and the blogs, MUST rise to the challenge, or America will cease to exist!

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Is The Ugly Picture Coming Into Focus Yet?

In simple terms: the America you think you live in is DEAD! If the linked WND article by Lawrence Sellin does not open uour eyes to the treachery, corruption and deceit of our goverment, nothing will. Our slave-masters are laughing at us, as we celebrate our supposed "freedom' on this INDEPENDANCE DAY. They would like us to forget that fact - that we're celebrating our independance from the over-reaching. all powerful, central government of mad King George (like we now have, under the socialist/Marxist mad Czar Obama regime)! No, they would much rather have us forget the REAL meaning of this day, and just call it "July 4th".

Decades of internal Communist and New World Order sedition, propaganda and treason, has finally reached critical mass. We have been totally sold-out by internal subversion and treason from radical-Communist/Marxist, New World Order operatives, over the past decades - who are now in FULL control! The leftist slime that infests Washington: Hillary Clinton, Dimwit Dick Durbin, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, Dirty Harry Reid, Keith Ellison, Barack Obama, and all his Marxist Czars, and the rest of the rat-pack Marxist vermin in his "regime", finally have their hands on the levers of power! They are fulfiulling their life-long drean of destroying, as Lenin said: "that last bastion of Capitalism, the United States of America, which will fall like an over-ripe plum into our outstretched palms".

And the elitist, RINO Republican Party, up to their ears in the sellout, plays stupid, and does NOTHING. As Lawrence documents, Congress and the courts are deeply complicite in the coverup of the elligibility issue, and the PLANNED ascension of radical-Communist, illegitimate usurper Barack Obama  to the presidency.  America and the people have been - and continue to be - betrayed by our governmment, our judiciary, our media, our educational system and our entertainment industry. And don't bother calling or emailing your representatives! America is no longer a representative republic - but a corrupt, pseudo-Marxist socialist dictatorship. I do not make these statements lightly, nor should you take them so. I have every expectation that criminal Communist Barack Obama, like the Marxist pro that he is - will STEAL the 2012 election, with the help of his friends in the communist-front criminal operation ACORN, via millions of illegal alien, Communist-controlled union and dead person votes. There is now no force within our totally corrupted government to stop this takeover/destruction of America. The only hope at all is for millions of Americans to get off their butts, and into the streets, protesting the members of congress, the media, the Marxist college professors, the left-wing, perverted movies and TV shows, etc. There need to be massive work-stoppages, tax revolts. etc. If there is ANY chance of turning this around - it must come from the people. Unfortunately, the people are more like sheeple - and most are so brainwashed, uninformed and apathetic, that I truly believe they will do nothing, and will blindly follow like lemmings - over the Socialist, NWO cliff!


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